Advanced Interventional Pain Management
Read the latest article about Putting the Freeze on Cancer Pain on the Society for Women’s Health Research site.
“Although we often have the ability now to manage historically difficult or impossible to treat pain – we must never waiver from our focus on the patient as our fellow human being. Whether it is ultimately me who does a procedure that helps the patient or not, it is my responsibility to get them what they need from whomever and wherever it is available.”
Advanced Interventional Pain Management (AIPM) is a unique way to treat complex and difficult pain syndromes.
Interventional Radiologists who have spent many years training to interpret and employ these image guidance systems are uniquely suited to reach exquisitely precise locations in the body using advanced imaging systems and software like CAT scanners, MRIs, and robotics to guide small needles virtually anywhere in the body – from the skull base to the toes.

Once there, specialized needles generate specific temperature or chemical patterns that destroy pain generators, including cancerous or benign tumors, damaged nerves, arthritic joints, pelvic abnormalities, phantom pains, and many other difficult to treat pain symptoms.
Dr. Prologo has spent his entire career researching, innovating, and practicing in the space of AIPM – performing thousands of advanced cases each year to manage pain from cancer, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, headaches, and more. He is the recipient of numerous international awards and grants for his innovations in the AIPM space is a sought-after speaker worldwide on these topics.